Monday mornings, 11 am, at First Landing State Park for explorers 1 year old to 6 years old. Siblings under 1 year old may attend for free.
Summer Session (6 days) = 7/17, 7/31, 8/14, 8/21, 8/28, 9/11 (rain date: 9/18)
11:00 – 12:00 ONE HOUR TINKERGARTEN NATURE LESSON (After the one-hour class, perhaps stay and play with your new friends after class if you choose.)
> Fall Session (6 days) = 10/2, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13 (rain date: 11/20)
> No Winter Session – see you in April 2024 for the next Spring session!
Join The Nature Bus for wonderful nature adventures to First Landing State Park! This family-friendly 6-week session is perfect for children and families who love the outdoors. COME PLAY OUTSIDE TOGETHER!
Outdoors is the classroom.
We have no walls.
Creatures are our teachers; Mud and sticks are our tools.
“Invitations to play” ~ Each lesson is engineered to engage kids in play that they simply can’t refuse!
Kids learn best when they lead the way.
Child led; We help grownups support their child.
For families with young kids, spending purposeful time outside is more important than ever. To thrive in this dynamic world, children need outdoor play experiences that deliver the hands-on lessons, valuable social interactions, and restorative activity that can’t be gained from the tap of a screen. As parents, it’s our job to ensure they engage in these experiences early and often. But how?
While finding ways to create enriching outdoor moments is essential, it isn’t always easy. Getting outside might be a simple first step, but for a lot of us, knowing what to do next—and how to make it count— just doesn’t come naturally.
We’ve been there. That’s why you need Tinkergarten!
Tinkergarten helps families get outside to make the most of their kids’ early learning years. Designed by education experts and loved by all families, our play-based outdoor curriculum guides parents in raising healthy, confident, and capable kids.
Tinkergarten. Your guide to purposeful outdoor play.
$150 per child for the 6-week session; siblings under 1 year old may attend for free; 10% discount for registered siblings (text/call owner/Suzanne 757-288-9595 for the promo code)
Note: FLSP entrance/park pass/or call/text Suzanne about carpool option.
– an invitation to nature play with our one-hour TINKERGARTEN nature lesson
– Smiles, fun, and all of the benefits of being in nature!
– excluding food/drink except Tinkergarten tea at the end of class
– Expert pre-planning services with a trained Tinkergarten teacher!
– Pack your own snack/lunch and drinks
– Your “nest” to sit upon (waterproof picnic blanket) and perhaps your favorite teddy bear or “lovie”
– Water bottle, sunscreen, sunhat if it is a hot day
– insect repellant or a bug suit (as needed)
– Rain jacket (we play in light rain)
– Closed-toed/tennis shoes/boots (if could be muddy if it rained the day before); Tinkergarten children love to wear rain boots for JUMPING IN THE PUDDLES!
– hand sanitizer or wipes for hand-washing before eating
– You can purchase Tinkergarten t-shirts, caps, tea cups, and more on the Tinkergarten website!
Important NOTES “Know before you go” ~
*We have class “light rain” or shine. See our weather policy FAQs page. Please dress for the weather. In the case of light rain, we simply take cover and wait it out. In the case of very heavy rain and wind, we move the experience to our one rain-date at the END of the session. Be sure all dates will work for you (the original date and the rain-date). ALL SALES FINAL/NO REFUNDS
- We look forward to seeing you soon! Check out all of the 5-star reviews, so you will be super confident that you will have an amazing experience! You can read these reviews at TheNatureBus.com > click the REVIEWS tab. See you soon!
- Please help fill up this nature program! Share on your social media and with everyone you know! We need a minimum of 10 participants for this session to go. Spread the word!
- If you have any questions, please text/call the owner. Suzanne 757-288-9595
Venue: First Landing State Park
July 17, 2023 - August 24, 2023
11:00 am - 11:25 am