Private Program for Amy Eades
A Marine Science Program about the Chesapeake Bay Estuary
Program date: Friday, April 19, 2024
(No rain date)
TIME: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (3 hour program)
PRICE: $1210 + 2.6% credit card fee ($31.46) = $1241.46
*Important Note: We do not offer ANY refunds after tour is booked.
LOCATION: First Landing State Park; Beach Side
DESCRIPTION: Provide a guided beach walk for a school group of 67 8th graders with 6 teachers (teachers will be responsible for students’ safety + behavior). We will provide two (2) naturalist guides for two separate student groups for the walk & talk on the beach *Marine science topics. Includes admission fee into the state park for a 3 hour period of time.
*Program ends at noon; lunches to be eaten “off site”
If you have any questions, please text/call the owner. Suzanne 757-288-9595
– Expert pre-planning services
– Two (2) expert naturalists – marine science topics
– Admission fee into the state park
– Optional: Binoculars and/or camera for viewing wildlife (we cannot guarantee wildlife sightings as nature is unpredictable). Some guests like to bring a nature journal + pen(cil).
– ALL participants must have a COMPLETED WAIVER FORM. Please print it at home, fill it in, sign it, and bring it with you. Here is the link to the required waiver form: https://thenaturebus.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/NB_Waiver1.pdf
– Bring a refillable water bottle filled with ice water. We encourage you to “go green” by not using single use plastic water bottles.
– We recommend that you also pack “pocket-snacks” in your pocket or backpack – ie: granola bars, power bars, trail mix, or something else that is very EASY to snack on while walking outdoors.
– Wear closed-toe shoes. Flip-flops/sandals are not appropriate foot wear for nature outings.
– Dress for the weather. Famous quote: “There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing” by Alfred Wainwright (a Norwegian saying). And another saying: “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning how to dance in the rain” (unknown author/motivational quote). Hot days > sunscreen, sunhat, lots of ice water, comfortable walking shoes (bathing suit, water shoes, towel for some tours). Cold days > warm layers, hats, gloves/mittens, warm boots, air-activated heat packs/inserts for your socks and mittens (available at REI). Rainy days > rain jacket, rain hat, umbrella, comfortable waterproof footwear (trails can be muddy if it rained the day before). TICKS: For forested or meadow trips >protect yourself from insects/ticks! We recommend long pants tucked into light colored (white) knee-high socks to easily see ticks. Bring insect repellent and/or “the bug suit” (a thin mesh jacket + pants) (Google: the bug suit). After nature tours, especially if you have been in a forest or meadow, be sure to shower immediately and do a thorough “tick check.” You can Google “how to do a self tick check” for accurate instructions.
Really important notes “Know before you go” ~
*We go “light rain” or shine or cold. Please dress for the weather. In the case of light rain, we simply take cover and wait it out. In the case of very heavy rain, extreme wind or temperatures, we will move the tour to the pre-arranged rain date. Not all tours have rain dates. Your program does not have a rain date. ALL SALES FINAL/NO REFUNDS for any reasons, including sickness/covid.
Venue: First Landing State Park
April 19, 2024
9:00 am - 12:00 pm