The world is experiencing a time of fear and uncertainty with the spread of the Coronavirus and it is difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The Nature Bus company would like to suggest getting a healthy dose of outdoors each day if you don’t want to completely loose your mind.

Please keep yourself up to date, as the following might change: In Governor Northam’s most recent Executive Order, he has issued a statewide stay at home order. “To the extent individuals use shared or outdoor spaces, whether on land or on water, they must at all times maintain social distancing of at least six feet from any other person, with the exception of family or household members or caretakers,” as stated in Executive Order 55. Furthermore, “individuals may leave their residences for the purposes of: (e) Engaging in outdoor activity, including exercise, provided individuals comply with social distancing requirements.” Groups of less than ten individuals are permitted to get fresh air and visit local parks, so long as they follow these guidelines. Be sure to check online for updates on park hours, possible closures and any additional rules and/or procedures.
1. Give your immune system a boost.
There are countless reports and studies that disseminate the many physical and mental health benefits of being in nature. Visit our website for article links that will convince the science out of you! For starters, let’s give praise for sun rays. The sun supplies the best source of Vitamin D, which is necessary for maintaining a healthy immune system. Getting enough is key, and has also been shown to assist in the prevention of many known ailments. During the coronavirus outbreak, staying healthy and boosting your immune system should be at the top of your list.
2. Get your exercise in – in Nature.
When you can’t go to the gym, you can still get your blood flowing by taking a run outdoors, doing yoga on the beach, climbing magnolia trees, or taking a brisk hike at one of the many local parks and natural areas in Hampton Roads. All excellent ways for keeping yourself physically and healthy.
3. Reduce anxiety and stress.
In the midst of a crisis, anxiety and stress are expected and to some degree beneficial responses, as they may help you to take actions that will keep you and your family and friends safe. But, there’s no saying how long our lives will be affected by the outbreak, so anxiety and stress cannot be the long-term game plan. To get through these difficult times, it is important to make time for activities that help lift your spirit and maintain a balanced mindset. Tune into the present – with optimism. And, use nature to keep yourself mentally healthy; it’s just the right medicine.
4. Cure the cabin fever.
Whether you alone or with family members, being quarantined at home for too long will likely drive you and your loved ones crazy. But, you don’t have to stay cooped up. Seek refuge in Nature alone or in very small, familiar groups. Most public nature parks and trails are currently staying open. Of course, we encourage you to follow social distancing guidelines during all visits to natural areas, by keeping a distance of 6 feet or more between you and other guests.

5. The appropriate social-distance.
“Stress plus loneliness can be a particularly bad mix — and kids may well pick up on the stress their parents are experiencing right now and feel unsettled. We all want our families to stay physically healthy, but we need to stay mentally healthy as well, and we shouldn’t ignore the importance of friendship during this especially challenging time,” wrote Melinda Moyer in an article about Coronavirus anxiety. There are so many aspects of our lives that are being disrupted all at once, which makes it hard to cope. Being the social creatures that we are, it is important to remain in contact with friends and family, to discuss issues and provide support for each other. Direct human contact is, for the most part, off the table. Instead, if you are not able to get your fix with facetime, meet outdoors!
We deeply believe Nature can be a huge help! Check out our Facebook, Instagram, and website for resources and ideas about how you can connect with Nature during this challenging time. The Nature Bus hopes you and your loved ones will stay safe and healthy.